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10% off Winterization Service & $20 Pro Shop Credit

For more information about this special: Contact Us

Pay your winterization bill before October 15th and receive 10% off the Winterization Service and $20 Pro Shop Credit.

We realize the expense of bringing your boats to us in order to get the proper service for your boat. We don't want to lose you as a customer because of tolls. We will credit your bill for the Maryland tolls you pay when bringing your boat to us for winterization. Please provide receipts.

A Place that Provides Turnkey Boating Services & Prioritizes Customer Satisfaction

For over 30 years, Chessie Marine has created meaningful relationships with a great team, suppliers, and manufacturers in Maryland to ensure our customers receive the highest quality services. We offer new and used boats for sale, catering to all watersports activities in Maryland. Our collection includes wakeboards, wake surfs, and pontoon boats from brands such as Axis, Malibu, and StarCraft, catering to beginners, intermediate, and advanced boaters. In addition to high end watercraft, we also provide comprehensive boating services, including repair and maintenance, accessories, boat financing, and attractive trade in values for swift ownership and upgrades. Finally, we provide affordable onsite servicing for our clients with demanding schedules to ensure your boat is fully repaired and functional. For all your boating needs, turn to Chessie Marine today!

2025 © Chessie Marine


Shop Boats (410) 620-2628